Shimla Population Growth

The following population chart displays the growth of Shimla’s population during the 20th century. The Population of Shimla is 170,000 while the metro population which includes surrounding villages is 172,000. The population of Shimla district is 722,500 (which is often misleading given as the population of Shimla) while the state population of Himachal Pradesh is 6,857,000.

Shimla Population Growth

Shimla Population Growth

Shimla Population growth

There has been a very rapid growth in Shimla's population over the last 20 years as; the importance of the city has increased, the population of India has risen and then has an exodus from the countryside to the big cities.

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Viceroy Lodge shimla

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The Ridge

The Ridge of Shimla india

The calm traffic free
centre of Shimla

What to Do?

what to do in Shimla

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attractions of Shimla

Shimla Railway

shimla Railway

The delightful slow train
ride up to Shimla

Jakhoo Hill

Jakhoo Hill

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this pretty hill

Scandal Point

Scandal Point shimla

The tale of how the area was given it's name

Shimla Home

Shimla Home

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page and introduction

Viceroy Lodge

Viceroy Lodge shimla

The seat of the British
Raj government


Shimla hotel

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The Ridge

The Ridge of Shimla india

The calm traffic free
centre of Shimla

What to Do?

what to do in Shimla

What are the main
attractions of Shimla

Shimla Railway

shimla Railway

The delightful slow train
ride up to Shimla

Jakhoo Hill

Jakhoo Hill

Shimla Travel Guide to
this pretty hill

Scandal Point

Scandal Point shimla

The tale of how the area was given it's name